Ceph extends its compatibility with S3 through the RESTful API. Ceph can run with very few OSD nodes, which the default is three, but production clusters realize better performance beginning at modest scales, for example 50 OSDs in a storage cluster. Block, File, Object. This section will guide you through testing the connection to the CephObjectStore and uploading and downloading from it. This then generates a signed download URL for secret_plans.txt that will work for 1 hour. Ceph Object Gateway is fully compatible with … oc project rook-ceph; oc create -f operator-openshift.yaml; sleep 120; oc get pods, securitycontextconstraints.security.openshift.io/rook-ceph created, deployment.apps/rook-ceph-operator created, oc create -f cluster-test.yaml; sleep 300; oc get pods, NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE, oc create -f object-test.yaml; sleep 120; oc get pods; oc get svc, NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE, NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE, curl rook-ceph-rgw-my-store-rook-ceph.apps-crc.testing, export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=`oc get secret rook-ceph-object-user-my-store-my-user -o 'jsonpath={.data.AccessKey}' | base64 --decode;echo`, for i in {1..10};do aws s3 cp /etc/hosts s3://test-s3/$i --endpoint-url, upload: ../../../../../../../etc/hosts to s3://test-s3/1, for i in {11..20};do aws s3 cp /etc/hosts s3://test-s3/$i --endpoint-url, upload: ../../../../../../../etc/hosts to s3://test-s3/11, http://rook-ceph-rgw-my-store-rook-ceph.apps-crc.testing, http://rook-ceph-rgw-my-store-rook-ceph.apps-crc.testing;done, Springboot With Docker and Docker-Compose From Scratch, Scala reminder: Gotta name an argument to use it twice, Setting up a Python + Postgres environment for Data Science, 9 Noteworthy Tips for an Effective Developer Portfolio. As you can see, we have a running ceph cluster created using rook. A completely new designed object storage gateway framework that fully compatible with Amazon S3. With the new version of Openshift(4.3), we can use rook-ceph orchestrator to deploy a Ceph cluster in minutes. The ability of managing cephclusters as openshift objectives makes Ceph’s deployments very easy and intuitive, It helps Devops/Software engineers to speak in the same language and prevents the extra knowledge preservation. Ceph S3. You must have write permissions on the bucket to perform this operation. I was surprised by the results. Ceph Object Gateway is an object storage interface built on top of librados to provide applications with a RESTful gateway to Ceph Storage Clusters. Ceph Ceph stands out from data clustering technologies in the industry. Becoming an active member of the community is the best way to contribute. The Ceph Object Gateway stores all user authentication information in Ceph Storage cluster pools. S3-compatible: Provides object storage functionality with an interface that is compatible with a large subset of the Amazon S3 RESTful API. After getting the needed information we could start uploading objects to our S3 service: After configuring credentials, let’s try creating a bucket and upload few objects to it: As you see we have uploaded the objects into our bucket, Let’s verify objects are really there: Now, Let’s see how easy it is the scale out our service, please edit object-test.yaml file and replace 1 instances to 3: As you see we have now 3 rgw pods, let’s verifiy the service routes to each one of them: As you see, the service routs traffic to 3 different pods under Endpoints value, now we’ll upload more objects and verify upload process works well: Now let’s verify objects are really there: We saw how we can provide a containerized S3 object storage service running on container orchestration environments such as Openshift and Kubernetes. Let’s connect to our cluster by using the toolbox pod: As you can see, we have a running ceph cluster created using rook. Storage Type. As a storage administrator, you can securely store keys, passwords and certificates in the HashiCorp Vault for use with the Ceph Object Gateway. Let’s first clone rook’s git repository so we could use the latest version of rook: After changing to the right directory, we’ll start creating the CRDs to extend Openshift’s API: After extending Openshift’s API, we can see the new api resources added to out cluster: Now, after creating the needed API resources, let’s move on and create the operator’s deployment so it could start watching for further actions (operator will be created in a namespace called rook-ceph, you could type oc project rook-ceph and you won't need to specify --namespace flag each time): As you see, we have two pods created, one is the operator pod itself, and the other one is the discover pod responsible for collecting data about the nodes it is running on (for example, disk number and name collection). Prerequisites; 2.2. We have no pools, so in the following steps we will be creating object storage pools, frontends and an object storage user to access the S3 service. We will watch the CRDs addition, the operator deployment, and ceph deployment of the cluster itself. S3 also requires a DNS server in place as it uses the virtual host bucket naming convention, that is, .. These configs will eventually be translated to Ceph commands the operator will runagainst the pods created. All the services available through Ceph are built on top of Ceph’s distributed object store, RADOS. It can deploy and manage serveral products besides Ceph such as Noobaa, EdgeFS, Minio, Cassandra and more. Several big company use it in production as Cdiscount, Cisco, Bloomberg, Deutsche Telekom… Ceph offers several multi-level solutions: Object Storage, Block Storage, File System. Ceph Object Storage supports two interfaces: S3-compatible: Provides object storage functionality with an interface that is compatible with a large subset of the Amazon S3 RESTful API.