A waitress from Cheddar’s, who wishes to remain anonymous, said that the officers claimed the man “went crazy” at two other locations when he was confronted “about wearing a mask”; they had been following him, apparently waiting for a warrant. Exactly. In fact, you've gone out of your way to re-iterate you aren't even talking about New Zealand, in a thread … “Maybe, possibly, who the hell knows” is not science. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I certiantly have to give historians who stood up to and publicly trashed the 1619 project major applause for defending their profession from the wokies. Well, it turns out that is a load of shit. Foxx is a California-based white nationalist vlogger who founded the Red Elephants media collective. Falsification is the norm. This holiday is known as a time for families to get together, to be thankful for the blessings in our lives, and to dig into a lot of very delicious food that you'll be having as leftovers for the next week. Redditors are self-hating self-sabotaging fags though and Eren unironically did nothing wrong. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials say a Cuban man in their custody died Monday morning at a Miami hospital. It’s very creepy to basically deny the existence of a people for your political benefit. There's a guy who was at the Stonewall riots who goes around twitter trying to combat the "trans women started Stonewall" myth. Not all, but many of the benefits hyped are exaggerated, misleading, and even dangerous to tell people. The Pizzagate theory, which spread quickly via social media, inspired a man to drive six hours from North Carolina, armed with an AR-15, which he fired upon arrival. New English nationalism, now has trouble sorting out it's English from it's British inheretence. Kale A I A 9,000-year-old skeleton was found inside a cave Cheddar, England, and was nicknamed "Cheddar Man." However violence is a predictor for high testosterone, a finding mostly done on apes. President Trump retweeted a video where an unidentified man riding in a golf cart displaying Trump memorabilia can be heard shouting “white power,” a racist slogan synonymous with white supremacists. IMO the core problem is that people have come to hate nuance and critical thinking, they just want emotionally pleasing and validating narratives. Many denounced the original conclusion as propaganda, with the “liberal media” and their cronies in academia twisting the truth to justify multiculturalism. I know, right? Many dogs trive on purely positive reinforcement when it comes to training. All rights reserved. Or at least as easily. © 2021 PrisonPlanet.com is a Free Speech Systems, LLC company. Theyve completely lost touch with anything resembling an ideology. This is an event that's well documented. As it stands, the comment is almost surely wrong. If people repeat if often enough or it gets enough upvotes, then it must be true is the impression I get when it comes to anything to do with history or news in general - Trump is a fascist, etc. He is basically Don Quixote and obviously gets nowhere. In my opinion the Cro-Magnons were Europeans and physically resembled modern day Europeans in all respects other than that they were rather more ruggedly featured, which was a product of the physically demanding environment in which they lived. We also know that the Romans, Normans and Vikings left little to no genetic legacy in the modern day English population. They get away with it because the average person knows absolutely jack shit about history, literally on par with a medieval peasant. The excuse we've all accepted. If this wasn’t propaganda, why hasn’t a single news organization retracted their false stories? This is Cheddar Man, the oldest known “modern” Briton, and that his 10,000-year-old DNA recently revealed that he was dark-skinned. people have come to hate nuance and critical thinking, they just want emotionally pleasing and validating narratives, Thanks for the lead on that book, I grabbed a copy for myself . None of it matters. To add an addendum to this there is an article in The Guardian today that says that Englishness “has only very recently even tried to conceive itself as a separate identity from the rest of the British Isles.” Why make things up like that? The co-option of Leftist and revolutionary theory by academics is the worst thing to have ever happened to the Left. From NHJ’s ‘1619’ project to Steven Universe there is a disturbing trend emerging from Libs where history, exclusively American and European history, is no longer acceptable and must be re-written to fit modern day demographics and modern day sensibilities. In China, they don’t give a damn and are working feverishly towards bio-engineering superhumans. “It now seems likely that many other genes affect skin colour,” New Scientist admitted. The link between aggression and testosterone in modern studies is a complicated one. the fact that there's no good definition of 'indigenous' or that skin color was irrelevant before the 1700s) that are just exploited by radlibs (and rightoids). Fortunately, if you do know history pretty well it is very easy to suss this crap out. Simply put, darkness kills — and darkness in the evening is far deadlier than darkness in the morning. You don’t need to be a raging rightoid to see that this is objectionably wrong and disturbing and not far removed from 1984. The English get Royal Wedding street parties and Pearly Kings and Queens, Royal crockery sets instead of a continous folk music tradition, English folk was revived by Ewan MacColl, an Anglo-Scot. To add insult to injury, the story has now been seized upon by alt-right activists on social media. One of the authors of the study went on Reddit and debunked this narrative and that of other publications such as The Guardian, describing the reporting as “clickbait headlines (from this study) for seemingly ideological reasons”. Nobody was hurt, but the incident was a tangible reminder that fake news and conspiracy theories can inspire real-world violence. Reporting on the conclusions of the scientists they interviewed is “blatant and hysterical nonsense” and “fake news” and anyone who disagrees is “alt-right.”. Lives Would Be Saved. 1.1k. New Scientist Laments Cheddar Man Hoax Admission Was ‘Seized Upon by Alt-Right Activists’, there’s no solid evidence “Cheddar man” was dark-skinned, Homeland’s Alex Jones Character is a Lame Attempt to Smear Infowars, Lana Del Rey Joins Effort to Defeat Trump With Witchcraft, Horowitz: The Right Throws Milo to the Wolves, Why Mainstream Media Websites Are Censoring & Removing Comment Sections, Starbucks Brand Crashes After Announcement of Plan to Hire 10,000 Muslim ‘Refugees’. Season 2 of The Umbrella Academy introduces one of the series' most bizarre characters, A.J. Dey be man-splaynin to the few remaining dem voters and NZIssues spazzers. They're completely immersed in the culture war. In any event, this is nothing new. Firing up the Pit Boss bright and early to put on a 4# pork butt for pulled sandwiches and then later in the day closer to dinner time I'm throwing on a few garlic lime marinated chicken breasts … Reddit's populist stock movement was 15 years in the making. That’s it. Carmichael, a man whose head is a fish tank containing a Shubunkin goldfish. Living people who were there are around to talk about it. Keys ultimately unveiled […] Information Liberation WARNING: The following contains spoilers for The Umbrella Academy Season 2, streaming now on Netflix.. 9 comments. The Cheddar Man was debunked as the same kind of racist lie as your definitions of "racism" and "prejudice" are. We cannot place such confidence in the DNA analysis, she says. I once read an account of discussions among the general public in Russia during the Russian Revolution - they're going on about the Thermidorian Reaction, concerns about Napoleonism, all stuff like that relating to the last great social revolution - and these were people arguably far less educated and cultured than we are. If something causes protected groups to feel hurt feelings, then it’s to be scrapped and derided as “blatant and hysterical nonsense from the alt-right.”Well, at least that’s the case for science in the West. Rather than admit they were wrong and the science was junk, New Scientist is still trying to claim the science “might” be right. Dozens of news outlets reported as fact that “Cheddar man,” a skeleton discovered in 1903 in south-west England which scientists believe is some 10,000 years old, had “dark to black skin” according to a new analysis of his DNA. Also, by God, that Steven Universe clip is insufferable. 5 days ago. Entire fields like sociology and anthropology have discredited themselves because of this. Ancient Origins brings a section to explore some of the unexplained phenomena, not only current events and reports, but also those unexplained mysteries of the world. The media always try to spin scientific research into modern debates because it encourages clicks, the "Brown Chedder Man" story was obvious bullshit for anyone who has ever seen old photos of British peasants who have brown skin because they have been exposed to the elements. For example, those claiming apple cider vinegar can cure cancer are spreading a lie. To add an addendum to this there is an article in The Guardian today that says that Englishness “has only very recently even tried to conceive itself as a separate identity from the rest of the British Isles.” Why make things up like that? We saw a similar response from journalists when it was discovered “Cheddar Man” from Britain may have had brown skin. There's video and interviews of the trans women who supposedly started the riot saying they did not, in fact, start the riot. She's refering to today's recent rise in English nationalism, which previously was more subsumed in top down British nationalism, which during it's years of dominance has supressed English folk culture in favour of the monarchy and empire. – popular memes on the site ifunny.co Imo a lot of these are symptomatic of bigger problems in public views of history (i.e. Ancient 'dark-skinned' Briton Cheddar Man find may not be true It is impossible to determine the skin color of skeletons found without any flesh or any DNA remnants. Walsh stresses that the study doesn’t conclusively demonstrate Cheddar Man had dark to black skin. So why this narrative? Posted by 6 days ago. We saw a similar response from journalists when it was discovered “Cheddar Man” from Britain may have had brown skin. This does not mean that there never has been an English identity and culture but that it's gone through a period of semi discontinuaty. Not only that, but given the field's very intensive emphasis on sourcing and documentation, it means wokies can't get away with the same nonsense that they do in most of the rest of humanities. I could find dozens of examples but I will just select a few notables examples: “There is no such thing as “an indigenous Brit” - There is controversy in the UK over Keith Starmer’s failure to criticise a woman who was talking to him about “white replacement” and referred to herself as an indigenous Brit. There are many other examples of recent attempts to falsify/repaint history that include the rehabilitation of George Bush (he was strung along by Cheney), among other things. This is especially true for academics, who are incredible narcissists and blow smoke up each other's asses constantly. We could easily lose our place on top of the world due to the left’s hysterical nonsense. The list of debunked ACV claims is a mile long. Understandably, the new science did not make it into the documentary. Chris Menahan The whole study has targeted incoming groups which are imposible to distingush from Anglo-Saxons, either cause they are from the same places as Anglo-Saxons or because they are too diverse to show a significant mark. They get away with it because the average person knows absolutely jack shit about history, literally on par with a medieval peasant. Cattle are not the enemy of desert tortoise. This article was posted: Thursday, March 8, 2018 at 8:56 am. they can only find Vikings in the Northern Isles because those Vikings came from Norway, not Denmark. The presence of documentation doesn't matter if nobody bothers looking at the documents. ... Stay safe Reddit friends. In response, Labour MP Sarah Owen had this to say on Twitter. You would think this, but you'd be wrong. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. save hide report. But we know from genetic studies of the British population that there is such a thing as an “indigenous” Brit, in the sense that modern Brits are descended from groups who have been in Britain for thousands of years. “The idea that there are really only about 15 genes underlying skin pigmentation isn’t correct,” Brenna Henn of Stony Brook University told New Scientist in February. They provided no evidence to back up their claims.Reporting on the conclusions of the scientists they interviewed is “blatant and hysterical nonsense” and “fake news” and anyone who disagrees is “alt-right.”If this wasn’t propaganda, why hasn’t a single news organization retracted their false stories? In the late 1950s, there was a significant paradigm shift that changed our views on nutrition and health: the idea that fat, specifically saturated fat, in foods caused heart disease. One doesn't need to be a marksman to shoot surprised flatfooted people at point blank range. Not only that, but given the field's very intensive emphasis on sourcing and documentation, it means wokies can't get away with the same nonsense that they do in most of the rest of humanities. As I’ve said before, science in the 21st century revolves entirely around hurt feelings. Not one outlet, including the New Scientist themselves, have issued a formal retraction.New Scientist’s original article reporting the claims as fact is still up to this day. Effectively England experienced several waves of invasion from lower Germany and Jutland over a period of several hundred years. One of the authors came out and said it was “not certain” as to Cheddar Man’s skin colour. A thread on Game Show Paradise offers an odd assertion: "I have a feeling Mark Goodson may have been rigging shows such as Card Sharks and The Price is Right in the 1980s." But, man, watching him fuck a blonde is hard work, Slave away talking to armin, And blowing sunshine up your ass, ... Because we've debunked this nonsense time and time again. Tow the fucking line or fuck the fuck off. ... 4 days in the Schrecknet. If only other liberal arts could have done the same. Press J to jump to the feed. Why is it that libs are hell bent on falsifying history? March 8, 2018. IMO the core problem is that people have come to hate nuance and critical thinking, they just want emotionally pleasing and validating narratives. You had posted in this thread twice, and your only comments were 'this is what happens when you force migrants on the whites' tier garbage and even after posting this, you still haven't condemned the attacks despite posting seven more times; you've only doubled down on excusing them. If there’s no indigenous Brits there’s no indigenous anyone. It's estimated only about 10 000 Normans settled in the Britain after the conquest, they became the upper class, but you can't find Norman DNA either because they originally came from around today's German-Danish border, which is basically the same place Anglo-Saxons came from too and most of the Vikings who invaded England were Danish, so they are also indistingushable from Anglo-Saxons. They just live in the present, forever, and have history continually reassessed on the fly, as is convenient. “We don’t know how.”The entire Western media ignored their follow-up story debunking the claims, with the sole exception being The Daily Mail.Nonetheless, last week on Feb. 28, New Scientist lamented that their story got widespread coverage on social media (even though they hid it behind a paywall).From New Scientist: YES, you’ve seen him somewhere before. Subreddit primarily focused on critiquing identity politics from a Marxist perspective. Rumors and leaks of GTA 5 details have slowly began to fill the vacuum of information surrounding GTA 5. I seriously couldn't believe what I was seeing or reading at the Yushukan (Japan's "Imperial War Museum", if you want to call it that). This is the response from Nat Geo on the findings: But despite ancient sagas that celebrate seafaring adventurers with complex lineages, there remains a persistent, and pernicious, modern myth that Vikings were a distinctive ethnic or regional group of people with a “pure” genetic bloodline. That’s it. Richard Lewontin’s argument that there are more genetic differences within races than between races has already been debunked by A. W. F. Edwards in 2003. Cheddar man was typical of Mesolithic European hunter-gatherers. Are there any estimates on how many "Romans"were in Britain during its occupation and if any remained after? There are multiple extremely well-researched books on it, replete with documentation. 1.2k. If the Maori of New Zealand are considered native to New Zealand and have only been there 700 years, why are people who have been there thousands not? WARNING: The following article contains major spoilers for Bill Oliver's Jonathan, in theaters now. They provided no evidence to back up their claims. Nothing is more important to them then these imaginary "gotchas" to "piss off the conservatives". The Cheddar Man earned his name, not because of his fondness for cheese, which likely wasn't cultivated until around 3,000 years later, but because he was found in Cheddar … As I’ve said before, science in the 21st century, . Now, a sprawling ancient DNA study published today in the journal Nature is revealing the true genetic diversity of the people we call Vikings, confirming and enriching what historic and archaeological evidence has already suggested about this cosmopolitan and politically powerful group of traders and explorers. They just live in the present, forever, and have history continually reassessed on the fly, as is convenient. This is much like the Cheddar Man hoax. Maybe the Bolsheviks were right and we just need more discipline. Chris Menahan Information Liberation March 8, 2018. No it doesn’t and my belief is that Cheddar Man was much lighter in skin colour than the Natural History Museum reconstruction suggests.. You may also recall that the research was done for a TV documentary, announced via a press release and reported by many news outlets, including us. Once again, we saw journalists use this as a “gotcha” moment: “Look, you racists and those opposed to immigration, there was a black guy 10,000 years ago in Britain, why are you complaining about immigration?”. Puppy teeth man. Nonetheless, last week on Feb. 28, New Scientist lamented that their story got widespread coverage on social media (even though they hid it behind a paywall). Visit us online to learn more about the mysteries which remain unsolved even today. They get away with it because the average person knows absolutely jack shit about history, literally on par with a medieval peasant. The Romans who invaded Britain came from all over the empire, they weren't all from Italy, as such you couldn't find "Roman DNA" period. This is small peanuts compared to the whole alternate timelines that routinely get invented by every side in South Asian politics. “It now seems likely that many other genes affect skin colour,” New Scientist admitted. If something causes protected groups to feel hurt feelings, then it’s to be scrapped and derided as “blatant and hysterical nonsense from the alt-right.”. share. Digital Millennium Copyright Act Notice. Facts are dead. The fact that ravens might predate on the turtle in that particular area doesn't let the cattle off the hook. Even if his skin was dark, he was European so the immigrant narrative is pointless. Once again, we saw journalists use this as a “gotcha” moment: “Look, you racists and those opposed to immigration, there was a black guy 10,000 years ago in Britain, why are you complaining about immigration?” Once again, it’s not correct. I post it now because I only recently found it and also, to my knowlegde, it hasn't been "debunked" (yet) like the one from the (allegedly) Keywords employee. Recently there was a study re: Viking DNA. We also know that the Romans, Normans and Vikings left little to no genetic legacy in the modern day English population. Bill Oliver's Jonathan is a sci-fi flick that dives deep into the labyrinth of human emotion, detailing the story of the title character (Ansel Elgort) and his twin, Jon, who share the same body. As their headline from Feb. 21 said, “Ancient ‘dark-skinned’ Briton Cheddar Man find may not be true.”. At least as of today, there is no scientific validation for that claim whatsoever. “It’s not a simple statement of ‘this person was dark-skinned’,” says Walsh. The Romans and Vikings were immigrants, not invaders or colonisers (try describing the colonisation and subjugation of the Congo as immigration and see the response you receive). because the authors clearly don't know nor study local history. New Scientist’s original article reporting the claims as fact. We could easily lose our place on top of the world due to the left’s hysterical nonsense. MBFC News February 11, 2021 | The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 2/11/2021; February 11, 2021 | Daily Source Bias Check: Peterson Foundation; February 10, 2021 | The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 2/10/2021; February 10, 2021 | Daily Source Bias Check: State of the Nation; February 9, 2021 | The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 2/9/2021 Like the iconic “Viking” helmet, it’s a fiction that arose in the simmering nationalist movements of late 19th-century Europe. But this falsification of history is not just restricted to the idiots of Twitter and The Guardian. “Maybe, maybe not,” their sub-headline said. Tbf the Japanese are good at this as well. This is the state of America. ... Let me just say, first and foremost, happy Thanksgiving! By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. In China, they don’t give a damn and are working feverishly towards bio-engineering superhumans. […]According to the state of knowledge at the time, the genetic analysis did suggest that Cheddar Man’s skin was dark. For one thing, Cheddar Man’s DNA has degraded over the last 10,000 years. From NHJ’s ‘1619’ project to Steven Universe there is a disturbing trend emerging from Libs where history, exclusively American and European history, is no longer acceptable and must be re-written to fit modern day demographics and modern day sensibilities. ... he still believes in the dominance theory which has been long debunked. I couldn't get through it and I unironically used to watch Vox and Adam Ruins Everything in my lib days. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_England_beyond_Wales. This is blatant and hysterical nonsense, but it is the kind of fake news that can be halfway around the world before the truth has got its boots on. Your New Scientist link states "And there are also unexpectedly stark differences between inhabitants in the north and south of the Welsh county of Pembrokeshire." It is unbelievable that people still use this fallacy in 2020. Well, at least that’s the case for science in the West. Ancel Keys, an American physiologist, led the now discredited Seven Countries Study that examined the link between dietary fat and cardiovascular disease. “We don’t know how.”, The entire Western media ignored their follow-up story debunking the claims, with the sole exception being. Dozens of news outlets reported as fact that “Cheddar man,” a skeleton discovered in 1903 in south-west England which scientists believe is some 10,000 years old, had “dark to black skin” according to a new analysis of his DNA.That turned out to be false.“The idea that there are really only about 15 genes underlying skin pigmentation isn’t correct,” Brenna Henn of Stony Brook University told New Scientist in February.