4. 7. During the renaissance period music was an important leisure activity, and every educated person was expected to train in music. All answers are correct 24 the basic scales of western music during the Middle Ages were _____. read musical notation. Like the middle ages vocal music was more important, but instrumental music began to increase importance. In keeping with the Renaissance ideal of the “universal man,” every educated person was expected to be trained in music. Science, per se, was not stressed during the Renaissance; nevertheless, science was taught because the ancients were interested in science. RENAISSANCE. What effect did the printing press have on music? The Renaissance madrigal began around 1520 in A. France B. England C. Flanders D. Italy 17. Period characterized by a new optimism, that began in 14th century Italy and spread throughout western Europe during the Renaissance 3. The Educated Man Can Entertain a Friend. Music was an important leisure activity, every educated person was expected to be able to play an instrument and read notation. Renaissance secular music was written for groups of solo voices and for solo voice with accompaniment B. play a musical instrument. Renaissance writers introduced the idea that all educated people were expected to create art. Michelangelo believed that sculpture was the highest form of art as it echoes the process of divine creation. ... popular during the Renaissance… The Church Modes 25 During the Middle Ages, what institution was the center of musical life? The Harvard Classics. All played a large part in the Renaissance and what has come from it. The Black Death influenced the development of the Renaissance. They also should be able to read and write and persuade others to virtuous actions, by studying humanities. The Renaissance era encompasses Western music history from 1400 to the begining of the 1600’s. When citizens of Renaissance Italy gained free time and wealth they started to treat their children how children should be treated. Two lists you might try: 1. Every educated person was expected to be trained in music. During the Renaissance every educated person was expected to _____. 5. It hit during 1350 and ended in 1450. The word "Renaissance" in itself is defined as a "rebirth"or a "reconstruction". During the Renaissance, Humanism played a major role in education. They were expected to dress, talk and act like adults, they also had to begin working. there was also a Renaissance during the 1600s called the English Renaissance, in which the beginnings of the Industrial revolution started in England. In fact, the ideal individual strove to master almost every area of study. piece for several solo … This period in time marked the rebirth of humanism, and the revival of cultural achievements for their own sake in all forms of art, including music. In the Renaissance period every educated person was expected to be trained in music. Humanists —proponents or practitioners of Humanism during the Renaissance—believed that human beings could be dramatically changed by education. Much like it was in the early middle ages, because in a sense the Renaissance only applied to the rebirth of Scientific ingenuity and discovery. After it, people thought that they had rediscovered the culture of the Roman Empire. Vocal Music. D) ... During the Renaissance every educated person was expected to: A) play an instrument, dance, and read musical notation. C) be a composer. Also, every educated person was expected to be trained in music. The Renaissance ballett is a A. polyphonic choral composition made up of five sections B. piece for several solo voices set to a short poem, usually about love A man who excelled in many fields was praised as a “universal man.” Later ages called such people “Renaissance men.” During the Renaissance era, vocal music was more important than instrumental music. In fact, the ideal individual strove to master almost every area of study. If you were living at the time of the Renaissance, Italy was the place to be. A. read music notation. Much of the instrumental music composed during the Renaissance was intended for: A) the concert hall. In order to be a true Renaissance person, you’ll need to read up on academic, pop culture, and political topics, stay fit and active, and embrace your creative side. And that caused the Renaissance or “rebirth”. What is a dunce? Being a Renaissance person means that your interests and talents are varied. True; False . During the Renaissance every educated person was expected to A. read musical notation B. play a musical instrument C. be skilled in dance D. all of the above 45. His David is the perfect example of the Renaissance’s celebration of the ideal human form. * C. Every educated person was expected to be trained in music ... During the Renaissance every educated person was expected to. 44. During the Renaissance every educated person was expected to? ... During the Renaissance every educated person was expected to? Renaissance people, also known as “polymaths,” spend lots of time making sure they stay well rounded. 80% of the population died because of it. It was a time of transition from the ancient world to the modern. C) dancing. Life during the Renaissance (1450-1600) was interesting. D) All answers are correct. A man who excelled in many fields was praised as a “universal man.” Later ages called Asked By Wiki User. An educated person respects facts and truth and seeks to see things as they really are. The Renaissance ballett is a. polyphonic choral composition made up of five sections. RENAISSANCE. During Renaissance times, Instruments were not allowed to be played. A man who excelled in many fields was praised as a “universal man.” Later ages called such people “Renaissance men.” Yes 5. In fact, the ideal individual strove to master almost every area of study. From Darkness to Light: The Renaissance Begins . An educated person, because of the great knowledge that has been poured out in this millennium, has a broader duty to use the knowledge given than almost anyone who has ever lived. Which of the following is not a part of the Renaissance mass? The Humanists of the Renaissance created schools to teach their ideas and wrote books all about education. Many scholars see it as a unique time with characteristics all its own. This is not just a list, but a collection of about five feet of books. Was every educated person expected to be trained in music? In the Renaissance every educated person was expected to be trained. The Renaissance ManRenaissance writers first introduced the idea that some peo-ple were artistic geniuses. great composers, not only of the Renaissance, but also of the Middle Ages, in what was then the Western world. “I am not pleased with the courtier if he be not also a musician,” Castiglione wrote in The Book of the Courtier (1528). History does tell us that in later centuries many important figures in history (such as Thomas Jefferson, Harry Truman, and Bill Clinton) were competent musicians. play a musical instrument. A. read musical notation B. play a musical instrument. The Catholic church was even more powerful in the Renaissance than during the Middle Ages. ... False; 3. Renaissance women were expected to know the classics and be charming. Musically, the Renaissance period is sometimes called the golden age of a capella choral music because the music did not need instrumental accompaniment. The Renaissance was a period of "rebirth" in arts, science and European society. Agnus Dei Gloria Sanctus **Alleluia. They were expected to inspire art but not create it. The music of the Renaissance B) religious worship. In fact, the ideal individual strove to master almost every area of study. The Renaissance ManRenaissance writers introduced the idea that all educated people were expected to create art. 6. During the Middle Ages, a period that took place between the fall of ancient Rome in 476 A.D. and the … The more we learn the more responsibility we must assume. ... During the Renaissance, girls received less education than boys. The texture of the Renaissance music is chiefly polyphonic. The educated man is the life of the party, the man who keeps the conversation lively and is known to be unfailingly engaging. A young man should be charming, witty, well educated, know how to dance, sing, play music, and write poetry. It includes some of the great books … It enabled books to be printed quickly and inexpensively, making them available to commoners 4. Though genius was rare, all educated people were expected to create art. During the Renaissance every educated person was expected to A. play a musical instrument B. read musical notation C. be skilled in dance D. all of the above 18. C. be skilled in dance. During the Renaissance every educated person was expected to . The term renaissance man is largely based on the various artists and scholars of the European Renaissance, (starting in … in music. The cultural moviment humanism, also a system of education, was growing during the renaissance.It promoted the idea that man was the center of his own universe. Shake-speare’s stage directions … When education shifted from the clergy to the middle and upper classes, musical activity shifted from the churches to the courts of the nobility. **All answers are correct. He should also be a skilled rider, wrestler, and swordsman. A renaissance man or polymath is a person who is skilled in multiple fields or multiple disciplines, and who has a broad base of knowledge. Educated people should embrace human achievements in education, arts and science. C. be skilled in dance D. all of the above. A man who excelled in many fields was praised as a “universal man.” Later ages called such people “Renaissance men.” If someone is of the dull, non-self-starting kind, lucky is he to have a friend who is an educated man to entertain him! Renaissance artists created the first free-standing nude statutes since the days of antiquity. The Renaissance is what we think of when we think of people like Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael and the Medici family. A person with hyperthyroidism would be expected to have an abnormally high BMR. be skilled in dance. B) sing Gregorian chant. [5,6] Clothing/Food Fashion and clothing was a important aspect, of many individuals during the Renaissance. During the Renaissance every educated person was expected to. The Renaissance ManRenaissance writers introduced the idea that all educated people were expected to create art. The Renaissance is one of the most interesting and disputed periods of European history. 16. Every educated person was expected to be trained in music Music became appreciated for its aesthetic value as an art form • not just used for church or court or to entertain • to create an emotional response, composers to offer a more sonorous experience Music was created by people from all social classes as well as amateur and professional An attempt was made to purify Catholic Church music as a result of the