Saunders, pastor of Our Lady of Hope Church in Potomac Falls, at or Our Lady of Hope Church, 46639 … 1343, indicates that the Sacramentary, the Lectionary, and other liturgical books are counted among those articles used in the Sacred Liturgy which ought to be blessed using the rite provided for that purpose, the Order for the Blessing of Articles for Liturgical Use (nos. However, that only applies to objects that have actually been blessed, not all objects with a religious theme to them. Christian Library International. Once a religious object is blessed and dedicated for divine worship or veneration, it must be treated with reverence and not be used in either an improper or profane way (cf. “Its disposal should be handled with respect.” ... to burn or bury old liturgical books and other religious items. Instructions for donating books and Bibles … Prison chaplains need resources to continue spreading the gospel. If the Bible has been blessed you might choose to follow that custom. If not, dispose of it as you would any other book. 1341-1359). For disposal, they must be buried in the ground or burned (and then the ashes returned to the ground). The basic rule for the disposition of these items is to burn or to bury them. At Temple Emanu-El in Dallas, the congregation gathers each year before Passover to collectively dispose of unused books. They also offer receipts for tax deduction purposes. Because of its holy status, many observant Christians (and even non-believers) are hesitant to dispose of it in the same way they might dispose of everyday waste. 1171). The disposal of religiously-themed objects is not covered in canon law or in the catechism or … By supplying Christian books and Bibles to inmates, you are taking an active role in prison ministry. The goal of Christian Library International is to advance Christ’s light in prisons. The Bible is the most sacred book in Christianity. What is the appropriate way to dispose of the following items: -Christmas cards with pictures of Jesus and Mary -Catholic brochures/fliers with pictures of Jesus and Mary, Sacred/Immaculate Hearts, etc -errant Rosary beads from broken Rosaries (especially is one is unsure if it's been blessed) -Catholic … However, blessed religious objects break or wear from use. Some people reread their favorite books regularly throughout their lives, while others like keeping their old books on the shelves for sentimental or decorative reasons. Muslims believe that the Quran contains the exact words of Allah; therefore the printed text itself is treated with a great deal of respect. Questions may be sent to Fr. Hosting a Christian Book Drive is an excellent service project for your church, Bible study, or other Christian group. Proper handling of the Quran requires one to be in a state of purity and cleanliness, and it should be placed or stored in a clean, respectable way. The Book of Blessings, no. Code of Canon Law, no. Please be sure to always cherish blessed religious objects at home, venerate them with piety, and when necessary, dispose of them properly. Some Catholics follow a custom of disposing of religious articles that have been blessed either by burying or burning them, but even that is not mandated by law. They collect used Christian books and Bibles and distribute them to prisons in all 50 states.