When I came to my new job, this guy acted rude and childlish around me. If your conversation partner seems to be reacting with good humor to your jokes and teasing, you may want to make the transition into more intimate territory. DM Do’s The Genuine Q “See! Do this gently — don't go from lighthearted teasing into full-on come-on mode. The Meme DM. See also: Ignore Him To Get His Attention (7 Simple Tips) 2. … Ignoring me on purpeous. That’s rookie DM sliding material. If you want to go out with him, ask him on a date. DO Take the Plunge. I tried texting him, for his opinion, or help, or sent a joke to be friendy cause he wasn’t. No Excessively Long Response Times You might think waiting 4 hours between messages creates romantic tension, but really you’re just wasting both of your time. While tagging someone in a meme eliminates the disappointment you ' d feel at a lack of reply, it is a little bit of a riskier way to communicate with your crush. Play it cool, ignore texts sometimes and don’t answer right away (unless you’re discussing something really serious where it’s important that you do). Try to avoid that person, cause they don’t want to have contact with you. Don’t be that guy. As long as that isn’t crass and gross (then don’t be you).” [Editor’s note: A woman sent this to a dude she had just started following—and now they’re dating.] The Friendly DM “This is great. There are … Don’t be a simp. 9. “One guy said to me, I’m going to arrest you for being so cute. Instead, make subtle innuendos. Don’t send two or more messages in a row Don’t replay. Start a conversation like a real man. He never replayed to my questions. When a guy's blowing you off, I understand how easy it is to obsess as you wait anxiously for any possible text or message from this man. This also includes cheesy pickup lines. There’s a greater chance of people responding to you when you’re yourself. Pickup lines were the subject of jokes in fifth grade, not the way to attract a potential partner in 2018. They may not respond to your message, but it shows that you ' re at least a little interested and it gives you something to reference next time you see them. Otherwise, don’t expect much of a response from him if you give him a casual message like “Hey”. If you're getting a good response, heat things up! That can mean anything but mostly means nothing. Remember, when it comes to mastering how to slide into a girl’s DMS, I speak from experience when I say that a well-written, planned message is more likely to be successful than one which screams ‘chancer.’ Put some thought into it guys, and we’re more likely to respond! ... DON’T Expect a Response From a Celebrity. Time to grow up, boys. Just be genuine and be you. Well, it’s not. The reason being, I have no idea what it is the guy wants. You can press his follow button by "accident" then apologize in dm, then try to turn it in a cute convo #13 E.DEN , Oct 3, 2017 veine , tiffanytran22123 and LongAssRider like this. But whatever you do, don’t wait around for him. I don’t want to get arrested,” William & Mary junior Tess Thompson said. So here's what you should be messaging a stranger or a past hookup instead of just saying, "hey."