Now that you’ve thoroughly explored this area, it’s time to investigate Ivar further, provided you didn’t kill him earlier in a fit of Chaotic Evil expression. He’ll admit to it if exposed, but it affects the course of events very little, and the deception is clearly only a means to an end for Ivar. Atop a short, rocky hill you’ll find a cluster of branches hiding a Token of the Dryad. Granted, it’s a good bit of loot, but there’s clearly more to this story than meets the eye; might be a good idea to keep him alive to see how things play out. The most noticeable landmark nearby is a big cliff that rises over the lake – the location's highest point. This isn’t your ultimate objective, but it’s along the way, and there’s plenty to see and do here, so if you have the time, you might as well pay this location a visit. ... fixed. Venture north from the Nereid’s puddle to find another, even less impressive body of water. Other than him, there are a few sneaky bandits that’ll try to make a big first impression with some sneak attacks, but nothing you really must worry about. First loot the chamber you’re in to find a variety of scrolls, potions and lesser treasures in the two smaller chests, while in the larger chest [Trickery 17] you’ll find 621 GP. Follow a path to the west and hang along the cliffs to the north as you go, as an observant character might spot a branch [Perception 18] hidden near some trees. Do what business you need to do with Brevis, then ask him about the commotion to hear a skeptic’s version of this “silver dragon” business. Make your way to the western end of the ravine, and from the log that bridges the gap, make your way north. To get there, you can just use the following directions from the Ancient Mine (a find end-point if you’ve been exploring the previously-listed areas in the Kamelands): On the other hand, if you want to get right from Tuskdale to Lake Silverstep Village, just make your way to the Bridge Over the Gudrin River: Ironically, it doesn’t matter if you arrive via boat or by traveling through the mountain passes on foot; you’ll appear in the same area either way. Exit out to the world map to spot the Silverstep Grove area, provided you unlocked it by following the tracks in the Lake Silverstep Village area. The game is similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. When you’re well-protected, head into the chamber to find some bandits complaining about a beast. A dense as ever, he’ll merely ask if they can get another zombie to scare the fish ashore…. This update implements a number of fixes as outlined in the patch notes. Resolution: fixed. When you’re well-protected, head into the chamber to find some bandits complaining about a beast. You are one such adventurer, and Jamandi’s offer isn’t just a benevolent call-to-arms to make the Stolen Lands safe for normal folk, there’s political angles to its conquest, and the ultimate allegience of its new ruler. Follow a path to the west and hang along the cliffs to the north as you go, as an observant character might spot a branch [Perception 18] hidden near some trees. You don't actually need to come to this location to continue the quest, but it … This update implements a number of fixes as outlined in the patch notes. 1a. Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the first Pathfinder game to make it to the PC. Such a secluded cave must be a bandit’s dream, and sure enough, two boats are docked nearby. Follow the shoreline to the north to find such a complication - a group of Tatzlwyrms, including three Greater Tatzlwyrms. At a distance she’ll spit at you, and in melee combat she’ll attempt to make touch attacks, both of which can inflict Constitution damage via the Nereid’s venom [Fortitude DC 19 and 21, respectively]. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3.5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. If you’ve taken Dragn’s quest: Onslaught, stop by the Secluded Lodge along the way to buy the Onslaught Gauntlets from Dumra for 100 gold. None of them are terribly powerful in a straight fight, but their primary purpose is probably to distract you from the true threat - the Dread Zombie Cyclops - and to take advantage of fearful characters. Now that you don’t need to preserve your buffs, unlock [Trickery 18] a chest to the east to find Slicer, a Scimitar +2 with the “Runic Mageblade” property, which improves the enhancement bonus of touch spells by +2. At the very least, maybe Ivar can formulate his own opinions about things instead of waiting for some “dragon” to tell him what his opinion is, unlike Aisel. If you make your way east to the northeastern corner of the map you’ll find another area transition, should you need a means of egress. First loot the chamber you’re in to find a variety of scrolls, potions and lesser treasures in the two smaller chests, while in the larger chest [Trickery 17] you’ll find 621 GP. Here some mundane adventuring required - Lake Silverstep Village location is marked on the World Map, you need to complete quest there about Ivar, the hunter. Objectives. Spent 4 weeks helping advance my advisors, still have over two months before next curse strikes. Loot the massive zombie to grab a Greataxe +1, then turn your attention to the rest of the containers in the room. If you put the fish you find down on the shore in the pile, an ancient wavering gets summoned for a fight. No matter what you say (save for the ubiquitous [Chaotic Evil] option) Ivar will end up walking away after the conversation. The westernmost chest [Trickery 21] contains a Recipe: Grilled Silver Eel, while another chest to the north of this one (the northwestern-most chest) will yield Wand of Burning Hands, a Taldan Warrior’s Dog Tag and 799 GP. Succeed at both checks and he’ll suddenly discover both his poker face and a curious desire to donate to the barony. On its own, this probably wouldn’t be much of a fight, but when the sarcophagus opens two things will happen: first, everybody in the area will be exposed to an “Ancient Curse”, which forces a [Will 18] check or else the afflicted characters will run around in fear.