Talk from the Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modeling and Design (FARM) 2013: This was impressive, try the sample sounds on their website. Looking for alternatives, I found Sonic Pi. Not only was v2.3.0 codename "Bitcrushed" released, the new quad-core Raspberry Pi 2 was announced! He’s quite the prolific programmer (and no doubt Open Source Maintainer). In fact, v2.3.0 of Sonic Pi is already installed on the latest RPi 2-ready Raspbian image so new users are all set to go. We combine the powerful SuperCollider audio engine, with Clojure, a state of-the-art lisp, to create an intoxicating interactive sonic … However, whereas Sonic Pi is primarily an educational language, intended for use in classrooms with a specific teaching purpose, Overtone has been designed for use in arts contexts by professional artist/programmers. Overtone allows you to [live] code (and compose music) inx Clojure, which is a modern dialect of lisp that runs on JVM. Overtone is an open source audio environment designed to explore new musical ideas from synthesis and sampling to instrument building, live-coding and collaborative jamming. Abstract. I prefer more geeky, so I didn’t chose Sonic Pi. Sonic Pi is an application in which code can be written to create music. In this chapter we provide an analysis of Sonic Pi. Sonic Pi is an open-source programming environment, designed for creating new sounds with code in a live coding environment; it was developed by Dr Sam Aaron at the University of Cambridge. I prefer using text editor, namely vim lol. – polymechanos Apr 4 '17 at 14:34. When set all the way to the right (+1 or default position), the plugin emulates the sound of … Welcome to Sonic Pi Weekly #6. We combine the powerful SuperCollider audio engine, with Clojure, a state of-the-art lisp, to create an intoxicating interactive sonic … Overtone. I think it’s easier to use its own IDE. Sonic Pi is described as 'Soinc Pi is a live-coding audio software. Learn to code creatively by composing, improvising or performing in an incredible range of styles from classical through to algorave' and is an app in the Audio & Music category. Wow, what an exciting week for Sonic Pi! But, the coolest thing was Overtone. It seems that Overtone came first, starting in 2009, while Sonic Pi started around 2013 (at least, as far as I can discern from Github’s contributor insights). Once I chose SuperCollider but I thought it’s complicated to compose with SuperCollider by vim. Sonic Pi is a live coding environment based on Ruby, originally designed to support both computing and music lessons in schools, developed by Sam Aaron in the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory in collaboration with Raspberry Pi Foundation. Overtone Background Overtone is a functional language that, like Sonic Pi, is designed to be used for musical composition. – PeterT Mar 14 '17 at 23:25. Sonic Pi is made for education too. Sonic Pi - uses its own server, but seems more focused on ease of use (particularly for use in education) ... Overtone is a good bet. The next two tools (Overtone and Sonic Pi) have been largely written by Sam Aaron. This resource will help get you started with the basics of Sonic Pi so that you can code your own music. 1 Overtone. An in-depth analysis by Tom den Braber, Jeroen Castelein, Michel Kraaijeveld and Paul de Goffau, February-March 2016. Overtone is an open source audio environment designed to explore new musical ideas from synthesis and sampling to instrument building, live-coding and collaborative jamming. Yes, Overtone is another interesting option, probably being developed more actively as well - compared to the older academic projects I mentioned. He uses the software to perform live with his band. So it’s easier and simpler than Overtone. :doc => "Blend of tape vs tube colour (as a value between -1 and 1, -1 being fully tape, 1 being fully tube). Sonic Pi - The Live Coding Synth for Everyone. Sonic Pi Alternatives.