There is no “simple” or “magic” pill to fix these complex pet anxieties. Of these, one third had signs that were considered severe, such as extreme restlessness, vomiting or soiling themselves. Give your dog a safe place to go during a storm. Give your dog a safe place to go during a storm. Recordings of storms or fireworks are played at a low volume and slowly increased while the dog is given positive reinforcement in the form of play, toys, or treats. Dogs with thunderstorm phobia will often injure themselves trying to escape from the crate or other types of confinement." However, one afternoon, there was a thunderstorm, and her family returned home to find a huge mess. They tremble, hide, pace and pant. Expose the dog to audio of scary sounds with the volume turned low (for example, a recording of thunderstorm sounds). Like a soothing baby wrap, the Thundershirt and Storm Defender are "anxiety wraps" for nervous dogs. Most importantly, ask your vet for help. This is why. What kind of severe reactions to thunderstorms are we talking about? It’s a terrible experience watching your pet cower in fear. Calming Tips for Your Dog This Fourth of July If you’ve ever experienced anxiety, you know that feeling nervous and stressed can become overwhelming, even debilitating at times. Because a combination of behavior modification and drug therapy takes time and planning. Work with your pet — and your veterinarian, trainer or behaviorist if necessary — to find the best way to calm your pet’s noise anxiety. Being in a tranquilized state may render your pet immobile, but it’s not going to lessen the anxiety. After the storm passed, Wrigley quaked for hours. It can sooth some dogs into a calmer state. But one drug in particular — trazodone — is proving to have many uses in veterinary medicine. Desensitization gradually reduces a dog’s reaction to sounds of storms or other loud noises. Provide Distractions. This doesn’t work quickly, so start using the product at least 2 weeks ahead of any anticipated traumatic event, such as scheduled fireworks. It is well tolerated over a wide dosage range. Like Jade, some dogs leave you in no doubt of their sound sensitivity. Don’t increase the drug or use in combination with other drugs without asking your vet first. Although Zoetis has revised the labeling and provided enhanced training videos on its website to show how to administer Sileo, the FDA released yet another warning in summer 2018 because there were additional reports of overdosing. If you are nervous or anxious during the storm, your dog is going to pick up on that. Classical music works well, but choose wisely — fantastic as it might be, Beethoven’s Fifth is as anxiety-inducing as a storm. This is usually at least an hour prior to when the storm is anticipated to begin. The labeling for Sileo claims it does not have to be part of a behavior modification program. You are supposed to wait 2 hours before administering it again — this time, directly into the cheek pouch. Be cool during a storm. It may help to play a soothing CD or watch a calming movie while the storm is going on to drown out the sound. Reward for calm behavior in the presence of the feared sound. Do Not Leave Them Alone Your pet is not alone. Gentle music, on the other hand, soothes some phobic pets. If bad weather is forecast, turn on your speakers and allow your dog to listen to some Mozart or Chopin instead of the terrifying sounds of thunder. Find a comfortable place — a ridiculously plush dog bed, a rug, a crate or space under a bed, even in the bathtub — that the pet thinks of as a safe haven. Drugs from the diazepam family are most effective — they decrease anxiety and have amnesiac properties. If you have questions or concerns, call your vet, who is best equipped to ensure the health and well-being of your pet. The weather is loud enough for your pet, so let’s not make the situation even more intense than it already is. So how should you act? Check Now: Blue Buffalo • Science Diet • Purina • Wellness • 4health • Canine Carry Outs • Friskies • Taste of the Wild • See 200+ more brands…. This thunderstorm noise-aversion therapy for dogs is hugely successful when done correctly. © Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); The PARC. Noise phobias are a difficult anxiety to treat. Well, at Jade’s previous home, the outhouse roof was made of corrugated metal. Unfortunately, it’s not unusual for pets to also experience anxiety, especially with exposure to the loud noises from July 4th and spring/summer thunderstorms. Instead, we want your pet better adjusted to the fearful situation. A dark, quiet place works best, and you should add a blanket and items of clothing that smell of you. Talking to your pet isn't a bad idea, either. Thunderstorms are anxiety-inducing for many of us. Until Zoetis fixes the dosing syringe, we advise against Sileo — the pharmaceutical company should fix the problem it created. Ideally, set up the den in advance so your pet automatically knows where to retreat to. Big, loud thunder, heavy rainfall, powerful winds… all of these are things that … Here are a few tips for helping our pup cope with thunderstorms. Sileo isn’t new — it’s been around for decades. My last tip for helping a dog through storm anxiety is not something I would … Over the weeks you’ll find you can turn the volume higher, and the dog stays calm. Dogs with thunderstorm phobia become extremely frantic and overwhelmed with fear during storms. Thunderstorms and fireworks often cause extreme anxiety in certain pets, so get veterinary behavior advice. Did the person not watch the Zoetis video, or were they still confused? 2. Never fear — you can help your pet, and here’s how: This isn’t a quick fix, and you need to start a minimum of 8 weeks before the scary events occur. During the storm, Jade had clearly become frantic. Cat unsettled by fireworks in the distance? Chewing and puzzle toys can also help your dog during a thunderstorm. Try Calming Hemp Supplement Treats. Some certified veterinary behaviorists say classical music works magic on scared pets. Different drugs or combinations of drugs are used depending on the severity of your pet’s anxiety, the length of time your pet may need anxiolytic therapy and the health status of your fearful friend. Place your pet in non-moving vehicles first. Don’t spend all night holding and comforting your pet in your lap. Side effects, when trazodone is used as directed, seem to be few in our patients. Get your pet used to their hiding hole ahead of time by seeding it with tasty treats and a favorite toy. Up to 30% of dogs are terrified by the rumblings of thunderstorms, howling winds, and driving rain. As always, please “follow the doctor’s orders” when dosing trazodone or any prescription drug. If given into the dog’s mouth and down their throat, it is not absorbed well and therefore won’t help relieve the noise phobia. Is your dog scared of storms? Turn off the TV. When dogs are afraid, they go where they feel the … “If your dog gets destructive, chewing and licking are self-soothing behaviors,” Miller says. Note: They make a Thundershirt for cats, too. Dr. Joe Stratton, DVM, of the Pet Medical Center of Edmond, says he has treated hundreds of dogs with anxiety. Drugs that help animals with fear and anxiety fall into many classes, including selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs), benzodiazepines, antihistamines and tricyclic antidepressants. When dogs are afraid, they go where they feel the most safe – a kennel, the closet, under the covers in the bed. For food-motivated dogs, there’s little that can prove more effective than food for, at the very least, momentarily taking their mind off of the storm sounds making them anxious. Some vets advise not saying anything to the pet while the storm passes, or even looking the dog in the eyes. You can actually use it any time your dog is anxious. Trazodone has been used less routinely in cats but appears to be safe. Ways to Calm a Dog During Thunderstorms Lavender and massage oil on a old wooden background 1. Our clients tell us we’ve helped end their sleepless nights consoling scared pets. Consult your vet first. Vets are largely concerned about what happens when someone accidentally overdoses the dog. Calm Your Dog provides the world’s first collection of dog relaxation music and puppy calming music that naturally helps your dog relax without the use of medication. 5. Pets who aren’t properly confined may run off in frantic fear of the deafening noise. Incrementally turn up the volume, but stay within the dog’s comfort zone. Learn how to manage your dog's fear during this frightening storm, and improve its response to the next one. Sileo, as marketed, is an oral gel to be administered into the dog’s cheek pouch rather than the mouth. As far as we know, no dogs have died from these overdoses. A lot of dogs go into panic mode with a storm approaches and it can be tough to deal with them during this time. She had tried to dig her way to safety until her paws bled. “If owners don’t understand what’s going through the dog’s mind,” Ms. Anderson said, “they shout and throw them in the basement. This takes time and patience — weeks or even months. Just keep calm and carry on. I have since learned from behavioral experts that when a dog is sound phobic in one area, it usually crosses over into many areas. Over the weeks you’ll find you can turn the volume higher, and the dog stays calm. Find out what causes thunderstorm phobia in dogs and learn how to manag… However, calming results were experienced by dogs with other sound-phobic issues. In dogs and cats, as in humans, anti-anxiety drugs do not affect all patients the same way. Invest in Anxiety Attire. During the noise event, don’t overly cuddle or appear yourself to be anxious — a dog will pick up on that and will remain fearful. She was exhausted, traumatized and bleeding, and — physical injuries aside — she wasn’t herself for days. Thunderstorm phobia or anxiety in dogs is a fairly common and very real problem for many dogs. Opinions vary widely as to Sileo’s effectiveness for noise phobias. This liquid “natural stress reliever” is a product many people with pets swear by. Working on behavior modification can give you amazing results. Distract Your Dog. The signs include: But more than that, the stress of noise phobia can affect a dog’s health. There are several anxiety-reducing attires available in the market that can … Stream songs including "Mountain Breeze", "Piano Stream" and more. Try your best to stay calm, even if the storm gets loud. Appropriate use of pharmaceuticals may help you and your pets have a calm and relaxing time, even during thunderstorms, fireworks or travel. Storms can be a terrifying experience for many dogs, regardless of their age or breed. Fit the dog with an Adaptil collar or use an Adaptil plug-in close to your pet’s favorite hiding place. What had happened? We saw an extreme example in Jade, an older rescue Border Collie who, until recently, had spent her life confined to a tiny outhouse. The loud noises, static electricity, and barometric pressure changes cause fear, anxiety, and panic. Imagine how it must feel for a dog who has better hearing and is more easily confused by the sights and sounds. The original Anxiety Wrap was invented by professional dog trainer Susan Sharpe, CPDT-KA.