Many people do not realize the importance of beneficial or good bacteria in warding off other pathogens that cause illness in the digestive tract. There is a distinctive smell with it once it kicks in. Step 6. Clean water and simple treatments help keep the digestive tract in top shape. The vent tends to demonstrate first signs of infection. Make sure the ointment is rubbed into the skin well so that it will not be picked and eaten by the bird grooming itself. Organic vinegar, such as Braggs brand, is made without a chemical process and still contains good bacteria. This water treatment helps to bring the entire body back to its normal pH which, in turn, is unfriendly to bad pathogens, yeast, fungus, and illness. Treating the water is simple:  on days when probiotics are not being given, add a shot glass of organic apple cider vinegar per three gallons of water or about 1-2 tablespoons per gallon of water to the drinking water. Poultry medicine chart. If you are planning on eating any time soon, stop reading now.> I have a sick chicken behind me and I’ve spent the last few days reading up on vent gleet, which is a common term for a yeast infection in a chicken. The feathers may also appear wet and shiny. Step 5. I hadn’t considered it as a possibility because I give the chickens apple cider vinegar in their water, as well as yogurt every day, both of which should ward it off. Is the water offered to the flock clean, the containers generally slime and algae-free? Apple cider vinegar products : Chickens Vent Gleet: Prevention and Treatment The hen should be thoroughly cleaned in the vent area with warm water (no soap) making sure not to chill her. Vent gleet, however, is the adult chicken equivalent of pasty butt. Vent gleet (or cloacitis) is the inflammation of the vent. Treating Vent Gleet. Held her in downward position for only a few seconds at a time, bringing her gently into upright position to be able to process the fluids, breathe, rest. Often the first signs of this infection can appear at the vent. I had a little duck with vent gleet. Taking some time to treat symptoms from the inside out helps keep any flock healthy and thriving for years to come. ( Log Out /  Treating vent gleet means treating inside and out. Cloacitis, commonly referred to as vent gleet, is the inflammation of the chicken's cloaca. It usually affects female ducks and is often associated with the bird not having access to water to bathe in. Treating this condition, colloquially called “vent gleet”, requires and inside-out approach that is easy and effective. I saved a he that had vent gleet with Monistat. What is vent gleet or pasty vent? The specific causes of vent gleet are unknown. The condition presents itself as slimy, white, disgusting goo coming out of the back end of your bird. Laying hens are under a good deal of stress: egg laying, barnyard squabbles, molting, etc. True vent gleet is very difficult to control especially if it is chronic. Vent gleet is a symptom, not a disease, so it may take some time to determine the exact cause of the issue. In fact, it may be antibiotic use that caused the vent gleet to occur in the first place. A herpesvirus infection of ducks and geese diagnosed in the UK in 1972, mostly in ornamental collections, in USA since 1967, also the Netherlands and other countries. What is the recommended procedure and what product to use? How can I treat chickens that have vent gleet? --PoultryPedia is a unique collection of many hard-to-find techniques for caring for chickens, peafowl, ducks and other waterfowl, and other birds. That being said, keep an eye out for any other changes, because white poop can also be caused by kidney damage, stress, internal diseases, or vent gleet. I'm now ready to try an anti-fungal medicine. Treating the last of the hens for Vent Gleet before they go to their forever homes In other regards she seemed normal: eating, drinking and active within the flock. ( Log Out /  Mixing the apples with some form of probiotic helps replace the vital, beneficial bacteria which keep the system healthy. Vent gleet is a fungal infection of the vent, a.k.a. Treatment with Monistat cleared it temporarily, only for it to reappear again. Probios brand probiotic powder for all species is readily available through most online and local livestock supplies. A full-grown bird may suffer from vent gleet due to the consumption of moldy food, stress, or other illness. ( Log Out /  Truth be told, it might be anti-microbial utilize that brought about the vent gleet to happen in any case. A hen that has been living in a cage with no cockerel is not likely to have vent gleet caused by a Herpes virus. Keep the coop clean and dry. Transmission is by infected birds, fomites and arthropods. Re: vent gleet . Often the first signs of this infection can appear at the vent. Are the hens kept from possibly problematic areas like compost piles, wet spots, rotting vegetation, and other sources of excess fungus? The area should be dried as thoroughly as possible. Ask an Expert is made up of groups and individual experts. A full-grown bird may suffer from vent gleet due to the consumption of moldy food, stress, or other illness. The acid droppings on the feathers and skin cause feather loss and the typical redness and skin infections that owners eventually notice. It isn't a specific disease but more of a gastrointestinal condition that can be caused by a number of different reasons, including many types of organisms (fungi, protozoa, parasites, yeast, and bacteria).