Fourteen years ago, she watched her mother die from the disease. iPEC stands for INSEAD Private Equity Club. Bridgette Simmonds was going back to school. Visit our Get Started page to learn about the entire Admissions process. Michael Timmes was about to lose his corporate HR job. This is a breakthrough transformation journey where I leverage a blend of experience and powerful coaching methods (including iPEC Core Energy Coaching™) to help you unlock your best self. People from all walks of life (moms, baby-boomers, corporate executives, entrepreneurs, college students, just to name a few) participate and benefit from iPEC’s Coach Training Program. Simmonds was recently chosen to be a lead trainer for iPEC, meaning she now leads the trainings she once took herself. “I started telling her about iPEC, and Energy Leadership, and the difference I thought I could make,” Timmes says. Acronym: Description AC: Advanced Communicator (ACB, […] I am anabolic. Her sister has also been diagnosed. iPEC Coaching is based on its unique Core Energy Coaching™ process. “Through iPEC, I learned how to apply coaching … But, something shifted for Lindor when she began iPEC: she learned to embrace the sense of “and”—the idea that you can be happy AND successful at the same time. I wanted to learn more about helping functional people,” Simmonds recalls. She writes for a variety of publications including the New York Times, The Washington Post, Runner's World and. As an iPEC professional coach, you’ll master the Core Energy Coaching. “I had a vision of what I wanted,” Lindor says. Pass the ICF’s Coaching Knowledge Assessment (iPEC teaches you everything you need to know to pass the exam). She had intended to stay in her job, because it seemed the clearest path to success. But, it’s all conflict,” Timmes states, “and none of it is productive.” “But think about if just one of those people has a higher level consciousness, a higher level of awareness of their own energies and their blocks, limiting beliefs, and own inner critic. In fact, once you complete our program, you are almost there. Any reputable coach training program operates with the understanding that each client is complete, whole, and the expert in their own life. These group sessions can be particularly rewarding if you’re looking for a broader support network or if you’d like to try a group setting before transitioning to 1:1 coaching. Learning we have those choices can change everything.”. iPEC stands for INSEAD Private Equity Club. iPEC’s Coach Training Program includes three, 3-day, modules that may be completed at your choice of an in-person or virtual location. Costa-Goldfarb started New Beginnings Coaching Services on the heels of her own recovery—because she saw the difference that the tools she learned at iPEC made. Some acronyms have links – click to find out more about them. iPEC is on a mission to help students have the greatest impact on the lives of others—by awakening their own passion, purpose, and potential. To coach people. MID Coaching & Consulting … someone i know asked me “what does MID stand for?I told him MI are the initials of my daughter Marie Isabelle and D is for David my son… This is what I was meant to do for a living … I want to help others reach a brighter future for them and their families, just like I want success and happiness for me and mine. Far from limiting your options and potential clients, specializing increases your effectiveness and attracts people who will want to work with you. I stand side by side my clients to help them achieve their goals, whatever those goals may be. As you progress through the program, you can choose a specialty or an area in which you’d like to focus your coaching and acquire more specific knowledge, skills, and tools: The best way to become a go-to coach is to become known for your expertise in a specific specialty. Click here to watch an in-depth video that explains more about the ICF and the three credentials that they offer. She named it The And Factor. IPEC … Dempster is not the only one out to use coaching to fill in gaps in support in the healthcare system. She wound up finding her soul mate and getting married. How might that change the lives of countless families? She used guided meditation audio recordings from iPEC to help visualize what she wanted to manifest. They can’t coach others to look at situations differently and embrace shifts in attitude until they have opened spaces within themselves to see their own participation in the world differently. That’s how they move forward beyond whatever block they have.”. ; What does IPEC mean? There’s a lot of them! What changed everything for her was learning about the Energy Leadership process and the levels of energy defined within it. an ACTP accredited program and includes all the training hours required). She was good at the work—so good that the next rung up would be VP level. At the end of Phase 2, you’ll have earned your COR.E Dynamics Specialist designation. It was the opportunity she had been waiting for to change careers (she had been running an “ethics and business” program for a defense contractor for more than a decade). Looking back, she doesn’t know how she could have ever gone on to coach people without experiencing that, because one of the biggest things she does now, as a coach focused on helping people achieve wellness and fitness goals, is create a safe space for people to be vulnerable. By Judi KettelerJudi Ketteler is a writer living in Cincinnati. We each have desires, wants, dreams; yet so few of us take the steps necessary to achieve them. From the first module, Clelan felt something shift. He reread it, reached out to iPEC, and went through the program in 2010. She wanted more, and after researching, she understood that iPEC was the place to get it. Contact IPEC stands for Institute for Professional Empowerment Coaching. And worked full-time. All the coaches listed in our directory are iPEC certified, and the International Coach Federation additionally credentials some. It was a whirlwind, but Simmonds felt more alive during those months than she had in years. A key pattern was people coming to her asking for advice or saying they felt better when they talked to her. The world of iPEC is its own special place with a unique language. “It’s the true aloha spirit,” she says. One of the things she did was reflect upon the patterns that had shown up in her life over and over again, as far back as she could remember. '”, Within a week of moving to Hawaii, Lindor and her husband found the perfect place on the water, with amazing neighbors and a wonderful sense of community. The idea that we either bring anabolic energy or catabolic energy to every interaction changed the way Michael thought about his job and his life. To learn more about what Coaching is and is not, click here. such as GE, Goldman Sachs, and Google now spending more than $1 billion per year on executive coaching in the US alone it becomes clear: your training in the professional skill set of coaching can pay huge dividends for both you and your company. Please look for them carefully. These coaches can inspire, support, and keep you on track. While conventional techniques often produce short-term successes, a more transformative approach is essential to foster long-term results. Martin Salama was getting divorced. When the company she had been working for decided to move their headquarters, she opted not to go. But what happens outside the classroom is the source of iPEC’s momentum. I kept saying, 'These people don’t know that I have energy on my side. Perhaps you’ve heard of the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) before. Every foot, every inch, every millimeter matters, because it moves the mission forward that much more. iPEC is headquartered in New Jersey, but it’s training locations include the US, UK and Canada. Many of our graduates go on to assume leadership roles within their organizations, HR professionals use coach skills to. With corporate titans such as GE, Goldman Sachs, and Google now spending more than $1 billion per year on executive coaching in the US alone it becomes clear: your training in the professional skill set of coaching can pay huge dividends for both you and your company. Let me show you what I can do for these women,” she says. Coaches help people overcome the obstacles that prevent them from leading the lives they truly desire, both personally and professionally. IPEC. This focuses on teaching clients to create “choice” in how they think and feel. International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential, which is particularly important in today’s uncertain and complex environment. How is INSEAD Private Equity Club abbreviated? Yes, simply let Student Support know which location (or virtually) you’d like to attend two weeks in advance so they can let your trainer know to expect you, and arrange for your materials to be shipped to the new location. It wasn’t merely “business” learning. Here you'll find all the terms iPEC uses on a regular basis along with their definitions. When we became coaches, we became the kind of parents we needed to be to help our kids be successful.”. What happens inside the classroom (modules, exercises, discussions, peer coaching) sets the stage. “iPEC was there to help me open my eyes to things I never would have seen,” says Andrea Kao, owner of Run to 1 Coaching. She saw something else, too. This in-depth video will answer many of your questions, including, what is coaching? Schedule & Locations, International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential, which is particularly important in today’s uncertain and complex environment. “Cancer was just part of my vocabulary,” says Costa-Goldfarb, who has spent 30 years in the legal field (she currently runs her own paralegal business). When Kao started iPEC, her whole purpose was to help others. to watch an in-depth video that explains more about the ICF and the three credentials that they offer. They told us how expensive it was, how hard it was to find housing. The Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) iPEC stands out among coach training programs for its successful track record in the industry and powerful training process and philosophy. iPEC is on a mission to help students have the greatest impact on the lives of others—by awakening their own passion, purpose, and potential. She went through iPEC Coach Training Program in 2012—though it had taken her a good five years to make the decision. While she was enjoying the curriculum, she realized pretty quickly that it wasn’t a complete click for her. During these modules, you’ll have the opportunity to practice your skills in a supportive in-person or online environment, get immediate feedback, and build invaluable relationships with other students in the program. It’s not only about the cancer experience, because it affects all areas of your life. They get a lot of information, but coaching helps turn information into action. Yes. “I was in a space where I nearly lost my life,” Clelan reveals. I felt like I had landed on my planet and met my people,” she says. It changes who they are in a relationship, and as a parent or friend. The tools, exercises, and processes that iPEC teaches work on so many levels, with so many people, in so many industries. For residents of the United States, we also offer a loan option with payments as low as $150 per month. But something was missing—mostly, a sense of fulfillment. Dempster relaunched her Atlanta business and named it ImpactADHD, with the goal of supporting parents raising “complex” kids. a one-on-one conversation with an Admissions Coach to explore which payment options are best for you. As he thought about next steps, something drew him back to the book he had purchased. This focuses on teaching clients to create “choice” in how they think and feel. Could she be a successful coach AND love where she lived? “I had this thought: I’m not meant to keep this to myself. It seems that so often, your parents are super educated and successful and they push you to do the same, or the flip side, they came here because they wanted something better for their kids, so you feel the pressure.”, Lindor followed her gut and decided to start a coaching business after graduating iPEC. Specifically, the tool measures students' self-efficacy on items based on the 42 core competency statements developed by the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC… But, so is the smaller story that happens one person at a time—and becomes the larger story. Asking Empowering Questions Originally published in Coaching for Transformation. CPC = Certified Professional Coach, from iPEC, an International Coaching Federation-accredited program. As Timmes observed, however, it’s far more than a lofty quote for a Pinterest board. iPEC does not train their coaches to give advice. This coach training can take place online or face-to-face in 22 global locations. Some are following curiosity, finally heeding that whisper that’s been nagging them for years about becoming a coach. If you've ever felt lost in the jargon, you aren't alone! Bridgette Simmonds was in her early thirties when she asked the question we all inevitably ask: “Is this all there is?” She had a good education and was successful in her career. The Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) is a coach training school that has been fully accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF) since 2002 and has graduated over 11,000 coaches, across 44 countries. List of 94 IPEC definitions. Copyright © 2021 Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) | All Rights Reserved. What do all these acronyms stand for? You’ll need to check the iPEC … iPEC stands for the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching. And, that’s the language that is changing the world, one conscious choice at a time. Of being vulnerable. Judi Ketteler is a writer living in Cincinnati. In one particularly promising interview with an organization that provided HR for smaller companies, the interviewer asked him what differentiated him from other candidates. In a divorce situation, shifting and moving forward is everything. Printer friendly Governmental » Institutes. The whole idea is to get people to consider their situation and come to solutions on their own. Learning to access conscious awareness shifts people in amazing ways. Uncover the ideas that will help you create the reality you desire. That led him to attract better experiences and make fruitful connections. “I want to be in this place that attracts people who are willing and wanting to grow and expand their lives and the lives of others,” she says. Equip yourself with the tools and techniques to dig deep for underlying energy levels, break through limiting beliefs and fears, and help individuals create “choice” in how they think and feel. Your first step is to request a conversation with an iPEC Admissions Coach. " iPEC is a world-class professional coach training organization dedicated to facilitating, promoting, and training others to become fully conscious beings. I hired a coach to help me, and immediately realized how out of alignment the different parts of my life were,” Lindor says. However, the purpose is to use the past as a stepping stone to a better future. This coach training can take place online or face-to-face in 22 global locations. Some come to iPEC by making a deliberate decision. Read the blog post, “Coach Training Isn’t Just for ‘Coaches’... Here’s Why.”. Before long, you’ll be a pro in your own practice and can lend insights to others. iPEC is a mission-driven team of certified coaches, change agents, and thought leaders. Clelan was discovering the magic of developing conscious awareness—the idea that we live each moment with a choice of how to be. It’s such a simple idea, with deep and ancient roots. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator (US White House) IPEC. Contact You’re interested… but you want to know more about getting your first client, or how many companies actually use coaching, or what the coursework is like. iPEC… Becoming an iPEC Certified Coach (Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)) The role of coaching comes with several responsibilities, and the guiding technique varies from person to person. When iPEC popped up in one of her web searches, she was drawn to it and wound up enrolling shortly after. World Health Organization and Institute of Medicine) and accreditation organizations as foundational to achieving safe, high quality, … professionals who use coaching techniques and skills do, have “coach” in their professional titles and don’t aspire to. iPEC’s philosophy is that everyone is a leader, regardless of title or position, and thus it offers a variety of programs designed to bring its proven coaching concepts to individuals … In addition to a successful 15-year track record of helping hundreds of professionals land the roles they want, I’ve transitioned my own career across operations, marketing, IT, sales and consulting. If just one person makes even a one-millimeter shift, that can go a long way to improving a work environment,” he suggests. The other way to look at it is that the possibilities are infinite—all from one person and one millimeter. It’s one person, in a department of four. This instrument was designed to assess competencies related to collaborative practice at the healthcare degree program level through individual student self-assessment. iPEC … When you enroll with iPEC, you get access to numerous business and professional development resources that are all included in your tuition. iPEC President Luke Iorio is here to explain. The instructor started to help her. iPEC certified coaches help clients connect their inner passion and purpose with outer tasks and goals to achieve life-transforming results. That's why we've pulled together this glossary. But, nothing about that potential lit her up. One way to look at it is that the stakes could not possibly be smaller. But, I observed myself being irritated and noticed that it was a choice. She is pursuing her studies in becoming a certified iPEC (Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching) Coach with a focus on transitional coaching, and is a member of the international Coaching Federation-- The Gold Standard in professional coaching. “The coaching I did around helping people make decisions wasn’t getting into personal values and mission,” Lindor relates. Grow your talents and impact … I PEC was created in 2009 when six national … iPEC teaches people to look inward to discover the truths that change how they look outward. What is a life coach? That deep desire to share—to spread the message—is what iPEC is built on. “The moment I walked into the first class, I knew I was supposed to be there. Though they come at it from a wide variety of life experiences, just about every iPEC student is there because of a desire to guide others. She writes for a variety of publications including the New York Times, The Washington Post, Runner's World and SELF Magazine. Those are tremendous stories. Read the blog post, “, Coach Training Isn’t Just for ‘Coaches’... Here’s Why, Leadership: Executive & Management Coaching, Specializing is of course optional. Small-group coaching sessions take you on the journey to living greater and achieving self-mastery with the support of others who are committed to doing the very same. Additionally, iPEC’s Energy Leadership™ Index assessment provides tangible, research-backed ROI for any coaching engagement. How you show up in any situation is how you show up in every situation,” she confirms. But, I wasn’t as interested in solving dysfunction. Michael Timmes doesn’t have his own coaching business. One of iPEC’s real strengths is that it helps students take the tools and apply them broadly. It’s fair to say that many people who walk through the doors of iPEC have absolutely no idea how that mission will play out in their lives. Person to person to person, these ripples of expanded consciousness extend, meeting up with one another, and extend even further. “I wanted a job where I could bring that concept of Energy Leadership,” he relates. However, there were limits. Andrea Kao was considering quitting her job. ☐. One of the major things that keeps people disengaged is conflict. Perhaps they bring that shift home as well. Utilize constructive resources to inform and inspire every step of the journey toward your future as a coach. He began to live his authentic self—a concerned, connected, compassionate human being—and he put that in the world, instead of spinning his wheels just trying to churn up new business opportunities,” she describes. You’ll gain access to all 10 specialty, The world of iPEC is its own special place with a unique language. … So, when a conflict arises, you may have a person who avoids it, a person who yells about it, a person who plays both sides of the fence, and a person who gets quiet and talks behind people’s back. It’s no longer a matter of it being all there is—because now, it’s everything. Copyright © 2021 Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) | All Rights Reserved. I have to be in control. Even the original query that led Simmonds on the journey—the angst of pondering: Is this all there is?—she now sees as coming from an energy space where she no longer lives. After class one night, she went outside to find that her tire was flat. Absolutely not. A classic example she often shares with clients is about running late for an appointment. The self-work comes first—and then, the possibilities are limitless. I don’t just DO coaching. At the end of Phase 1, you’ll have earned the designation of Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP). Denise Clelan was living with chronic pain. What is coaching? I believe that everyone has the opportunity to write their own story. IPEC. Specializing is of course optional. These are my industry credentials that represent all the training I’ve undergone. I can’t believe she’s doing this... why would she stay to help me with changing my tire? “I left my neighborhood,  turned onto the main street, and there was roadwork. I decided to be irritated, because that’s how I wanted to be. When Diane Dempster started coaching, she thought her niche would be dedicated to helping women find work-life balance. “I was sweating and shaking the entire time,” she says. If you have any additional questions, request a session with an Admissions Coach who can further assist. This instrument was designed to assess competencies related to collaborative practice at the healthcare degree program level through individual student self-assessment. iPEC was one of the first coach training programs to be accredited by the ICF and goes beyond the requirements necessary for accreditation. “I liked learning about people and what made them tick. Vulnerability is where the magic happens,” she remarks. “I connected psychology to that kind of thing, so I decided to go back to school to pursue a Master’s degree in psychotherapy,” Simmonds says. “When you come out of iPEC training, you have a great skill set to impact people in a larger way,” Clelan says. That led her to iPEC. The International Coach Federation (ICF) is a separate organization from all coaching schools. , and companies such as NASA, IKEA, and Boeing have sent people to our training. Rate it: IPEC What is coaching? She has a grand vision though. Please note, you do NOT have to wait until you finish phase 1 to start working with clients. What does IPEC stand for? iPEC is a mission-driven team of certified coaches, change agents, and thought leaders. Timmes knew he wanted to stay in the field of HR; but, with his iPEC certification, he brought a whole new set of skills with him. Everybody should have this opportunity to be free of the inner battles and turmoil and thoughts that hold them back,” she declares. Yes. International Power Engineering Conference. Join our Live Q&A session to get the answers. Coaches honor the client as the expert in his or her life and work and believe every client is creative, resourceful and whole.Source: You’ll gain access to all 10 specialty trainings so you can try on different niches, gain clarity on the people you like to work with most, and connect with your ideal client faster.