My sister in law in a nurse going to NP school and my husband works with both an NP and a PA. That PA told me that NP … For one, I strongly believe in reducing or eliminating disparity related to gender, race, or socio-economic class.As Gibson (2013) points out, nurse practitioners … Without a background in healthcare, I would not have been a competitive applicant to physician assistant programs, as most require a significant number of direct patient care hours for admission. MSN, APRN 7 years ago. 3. Nurse practitioners are more patient-centered; Physician assistants are more disease-centered. Find Find Physician Assistant jobs in your area in your area. Unless you are grandfathered. ...There are several reasons why being a family nurse practitioner is the way I want to contribute to the profession. The DNP is not going to be a … In some states, nurse practitioners are allowed to practice independently, while physician assistants are not. There … In these states, working as a physician assistant … 2. share. One of the biggest advantages with getting your NP over PA is that you can get your NP by going to school part-time and still working. The nurse practitioner (NP) and physician assistant (PA) occupations share similarities and some key differences. There’s a reason NP’s have the ability to be autonomous and PA’s can never be, which is why I decided to decline PA school and go the NP … After researching a number of NP and PA programs (I didn’t have a preference), I decided on the nurse practitioner profession. People who choose a nurse practitioner for primary care tend to have lower out-of-pocket costs, fewer emergency room visits, shorter hospital stays and lower medication costs. NPs outscored … I chose to attend Vanderbilt University’s nurse practitioner … Everything I have read/researched leads me to believe that PA is the right profession for me. In other states, PAs can prescribe medication while NPs cannot. Nurse practitioners tend to … On this page, readers can explore how the two careers compare in terms of … Patients indicated they are more satisfied with nurse practitioners' care than with doctors', according to a small survey conducted researchers at the University of Michigan. With a focus on health promotion, disease prevention, and health education and counseling, nurse practitioners … I still would be a NP over a PA personally, but something to consider. If you hope to own your own clinic, this means you should become a nurse practitioner. level 2. The reason why PA school has such rigorous training is because applicants lack the medical background that NP applicants would have already have years of prior to applying for NP school. Report Save. There have been many debates about NP/PA encroaching into primary care and anesthesia and I have heard that physicians are often the ones who carry the malpractice burden because most of the time these people (NP/PA… I don't think any of the PA schools offer this option.